AVDisk is not supported by any anti-virus product vendor or developer and is used entirely at your own risk. However, you can contact the following people for help or with comments and suggestions:
Deniz Oezmen
Frederic Bonroy (currently not reachable)
For questions regarding qms.exe or envinfo.com, write to
Ralph Roth
Please note that the email addresses given here might change over time due to increasing spam volume. The current addresses will always be posted here.
If your system does become infected with a virus and you would like help or information a good place to go is the alt.comp.virus (or alt.comp.anti-virus) newsgroup, where you can find advice from a number of professionals and other experienced users. However, please remember when posting to this group not to post binaries or virus samples, and to be as specific as possible when asking for help.
As an effort to bring the knowledge of the participants of alt.comp.virus together, the Claymania ACV sites have been developed. Be sure to visit them for competent and free information about viruses and virus protection.